Class vtkF3DGLTFImporter#

Inheritance Relationships#

Base Type#

  • public vtkGLTFImporter

Class Documentation#

class vtkF3DGLTFImporter : public vtkGLTFImporter#

VTK GLTF importer customization.

Subclasses the native importer to modify the armature shader.

Public Functions

vtkTypeMacro(vtkF3DGLTFImporter, vtkGLTFImporter)#

Public Static Functions

static vtkF3DGLTFImporter *New()#

Protected Functions

~vtkF3DGLTFImporter() override = default#
void ApplyArmatureProperties(vtkActor *actor) override#

This method is reimplemented to add information to the actor in order to properly draw armatures on top.