Class interactor#

Nested Relationships#

Nested Types#

Class Documentation#

class interactor#

Class used to control interaction and animation.

A class to control interaction with the window as well as animation. It also provide a timer callback if needed and can record/play interaction file.


using documentation_callback_t = std::function<std::pair<std::string, std::string>()>#

Remove all existing interaction commands and add all default bindings see for details.

virtual interactor &initBindings() = 0#

Remove all existing interaction commands and add all default bindings see for details.

virtual interactor &addBinding(const interaction_bind_t &bind, std::vector<std::string> commands, std::string group = {}, documentation_callback_t documentationCallback = nullptr) = 0#

Use this method to add binding, in order to trigger commands for a specific bind

Bind modifiers is a binary flag from the dedicated enum that represent KeyModifiers. Bind interaction can be a pressed key symbol, eg: “C”, or a dedicated key symbol for special keys: “Left”, “Right”, “Up”, “Down”, “Space”, “Enter”, “Escape”, “Question”.

group is an optional arg to group bindings together for better display of the documentation. Groups are kept in order of addition when recovered using getBindGroups. Bindings are kept in order of addition when recovered using getBindsForGroup.

documentationCallback is an optional function that returns a pair of string, the first is the doc itself, the second is the current value as a string, if any. Use getBindingDocumentation to access this doc.

When the corresponding bind happens, the provided commands will be triggered using triggerCommand. Considering checking if an interaction exists or removing it before adding it to avoid potential conflicts.

ANY modifier interactions will only be triggered if no other interaction bind with modifier is found.

Adding commands for an existing bind will throw a interactor::already_exists_exception.

virtual interactor &addBinding(const interaction_bind_t &bind, std::string command, std::string group = {}, documentation_callback_t documentationCallback = nullptr) = 0#

See addBinding Convenience method to add a single command for an interaction, similar as addBinding(bind, {command})

Adding command for an existing bind will throw a interactor::already_exists_exception.

inline interactor &addBinding(const interaction_bind_t &bind, std::initializer_list<std::string> list, std::string group = {}, documentation_callback_t documentationCallback = nullptr)#

Convenience initializer list signature for add binding method

virtual interactor &removeBinding(const interaction_bind_t &bind) = 0#

Remove binding corresponding to provided bind. Does not do anything if the provided bind does not exists.

virtual std::vector<std::string> getBindGroups() const = 0#

Return a vector of available bind groups, in order of addition

virtual std::vector<interaction_bind_t> getBindsForGroup(std::string group) const = 0#

Return a vector of bind for the specified group, in order of addition

Getting binds for a group that does not exists will throw a does_not_exists_exception.

virtual std::vector<interaction_bind_t> getBinds() const = 0#

Return a vector of all binds, in order of addition

virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string> getBindingDocumentation(const interaction_bind_t &bind) const = 0#

Get a pair of string documenting a binding. The first string is the documentation of the binding, eg: “Toggle anti aliasing”, “Print scene descr to terminal”, “Decrease light intensity” The second string is the current value of the binding, eg: “OFF”, “” if there is no value or “1.12”. If a binding was not documented on addition, the provided strings will be empty. The possible string can depends on the bindings but boolean value are expected to be “ON”, “OFF”, “N/A” (for optional values).

Getting documentation for a bind that does not exists will throw a does_not_exists_exception.


virtual interactor &initCommands() = 0#

Remove all existing commands and add all default commands, see for details.

virtual interactor &addCommand(std::string action, std::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)> callback) = 0#

Use this method to add a command to be called using triggerCommand. Adding a command with an already existing action throw a interactor::already_exists_exception. Considering namespacing dedicated action to avoid conflicts with default action, eg: my_app::action

virtual interactor &removeCommand(const std::string &action) = 0#

Remove a command for provided action, does not do anything if it does not exists.

virtual std::vector<std::string> getCommandActions() const = 0#

Return a string vector containing all currently defined actions of commands

virtual bool triggerCommand(std::string_view command) = 0#

Trigger provided command, see for details about supported commands and syntax.

If the command fails, it prints a debug log explaining why.

Return true if the command succeeded, false otherwise. Throw an interactor::command_runtime_exception if the command callback throw an unrecognized exception. Note that default commands will never throw this exception, but adding commands without exception catching may trigger this behavior.


virtual interactor &toggleAnimation() = 0#

Control the animation.

virtual interactor &startAnimation() = 0#

Control the animation.

virtual interactor &stopAnimation() = 0#

Control the animation.

virtual bool isPlayingAnimation() = 0#

Control the animation.


virtual interactor &enableCameraMovement() = 0#

Control if camera movements are enabled, which they are by default.

virtual interactor &disableCameraMovement() = 0#

Control if camera movements are enabled, which they are by default.

Public Functions

virtual bool playInteraction(const std::filesystem::path &file, double deltaTime = 1.0 / 30, std::function<void()> userCallBack = nullptr) = 0#

Play a VTK interaction file. Provided file path is used as is and file existence will be checked. The event loop will be triggered every deltaTime in seconds, and userCallBack will be called at the start of the event loop

virtual bool recordInteraction(const std::filesystem::path &file) = 0#

Start interaction and record it all in a VTK interaction file. Provided file path will be used as is and the parent directories of the file will be created

virtual interactor &start(double deltaTime = 1.0 / 30, std::function<void()> userCallBack = nullptr) = 0#

Start the interactor event loop. The event loop will be triggered every deltaTime in seconds, and userCallBack will be called at the start of the event loop

virtual interactor &stop() = 0#

Stop the interactor.

virtual interactor &requestRender() = 0#

Request a render to be done on the next event loop Safe to call in a multithreaded environment

struct already_exists_exception : public f3d::exception#

An exception that can be thrown by the interactor when adding something that already exists internally

Public Functions

explicit already_exists_exception(const std::string &what = "")#
struct command_runtime_exception : public f3d::exception#

An exception that can be thrown by interactor::triggerCommand when a command callback throw an exception

Public Functions

explicit command_runtime_exception(const std::string &what = "")#
struct does_not_exists_exception : public f3d::exception#

An exception that can be thrown by the interactor when looking for something that does not exists

Public Functions

explicit does_not_exists_exception(const std::string &what = "")#
struct invalid_args_exception : public f3d::exception#

An exception that can be thrown by command callbacks when the arguments of the callback are incorrect. This exception is caught by triggerCommand and logged.

Public Functions

inline explicit invalid_args_exception(const std::string &what = "")#