Class camera#
Defined in File camera.h
Class Documentation#
class camera#
Abstract class to control a camera in a window.
A class to control a camera in a window. When modifying the Position/FocalPoint/ViewUp API or the camera movements API, the view up is automatically orthogonalized. All angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &setPosition(const point3_t &pos) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &setFocalPoint(const point3_t &foc) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual void getFocalPoint(point3_t &foc) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &setViewUp(const vector3_t &up) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &setViewAngle(const angle_deg_t &angle) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual angle_deg_t getViewAngle() = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual void getViewAngle(angle_deg_t &angle) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &setState(const camera_state_t &state) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera_state_t getState() = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
virtual void getState(camera_state_t &state) = 0#
Set/Get the camera parameters. Angles are in degrees.
Standard camera manipulation methods. Angles are in degrees.
virtual camera &dolly(double val) = 0#
Divide the camera’s distance from the focal point by the given value.
virtual camera &pan(double right, double up, double forward = 0) = 0#
Move the camera along its horizontal, vertical, and forward axes
virtual camera &zoom(double factor) = 0#
Decrease the view angle (or the parallel scale in parallel mode) by the specified factor.
virtual camera &roll(angle_deg_t angle) = 0#
Rotate the camera about its forward axis.
virtual camera &azimuth(angle_deg_t angle) = 0#
Rotate the camera about its vertical axis, centered at the focal point.
virtual camera &yaw(angle_deg_t angle) = 0#
Rotate the camera about its vertical axis, centered the camera’s position.
virtual camera &elevation(angle_deg_t angle) = 0#
Rotate the camera about its horizontal axis, centered at the focal point.
virtual camera &pitch(angle_deg_t angle) = 0#
Rotate the camera about its horizontal axis, centered the camera’s position.
Public Functions
virtual camera &setPosition(const point3_t &pos) = 0#