Struct interaction_bind_t#

Struct Documentation#

struct interaction_bind_t#

Public Types

enum class ModifierKeys : unsigned char#

Enumeration of supported modifier combination, in binary.


enumerator ANY#
enumerator NONE#
enumerator CTRL#
enumerator SHIFT#
enumerator CTRL_SHIFT#

Public Functions

inline bool operator<(const interaction_bind_t &bind) const#

Operator to be able to store binds in maps and other structs Compare modifier and interaction

inline bool operator==(const interaction_bind_t &bind) const#

Operator to be able to store binds in maps and other structs Compare modifier and interaction

inline std::string format() const#

Format this binding into a string eg: “A”, “Any+Question”, “Shift+L”.

Public Members

ModifierKeys mod = ModifierKeys::NONE#
std::string inter#

Public Static Functions

static inline interaction_bind_t parse(std::string_view str)#

Create and return an interaction bind from provided string