Class loader#
Defined in File loader.h
Nested Relationships#
Nested Types#
Class Documentation#
class loader#
Class to load files in F3D.
A class to load files in F3D. The loader can load a full scene or multiple geometries into a default scene. It also support checking if a scene or geometry reader is available for a given file.
Example usage:
std::string path = ... f3d::engine eng(f3d::window::Type::NATIVE); f3d::loader& load = eng.getLoader(); if (load.hasSceneReader(path) { load.loadScene(path); } else if (load.hasGeometryReader(path) { load.loadGeometry(path); }
Public Functions
virtual bool hasGeometryReader(const std::string &filePath) = 0#
Return true if the loader has a geometry reader for the providen file, false otherwise.
virtual loader &loadGeometry(const std::string &filePath, bool reset = false) = 0#
Load a geometry from a provided file to the scene. Calling this method will reset the scene before loading if a full scene was loaded previously or if the reset argument is set to true, It will not reset if only geometries were loaded previously. Geometries loaded using this method will be available in a default scene and use all default scene related options. Throw a load_failure_exception on failure.
virtual loader &loadGeometry(const mesh_t &mesh, bool reset = false) = 0#
Load a geometry from memory buffers. Calling this method will reset the scene before loading if a full scene was loaded previously or if the reset argument is set to true, It will not reset if only geometries were loaded previously. Geometries loaded using this method will be available in a default scene and use all default scene related options. Throw a load_failure_exception if the mesh is invalid.
virtual bool hasSceneReader(const std::string &filePath) = 0#
Return true if the loader has a scene reader for the providen file, false otherwise.
virtual loader &loadScene(const std::string &filePath) = 0#
Reset scene and load a (full) scene from provided file. Please note default scene related options are not taken into account when loading a full scene. Throw a load_failure_exception on failure.
virtual bool hasGeometryReader(const std::string &filePath) = 0#