Parsing options

When setting options from the CLI Options, the commands or using the libf3d options string API, the values are parsed according to their type. If parsing fails, the value is not changed.

The following types are supported:

  • bool: A boolean, true or false.
  • int: A signed integer.
  • double: A floating point number.
  • ratio: A double dividend over a double divisor, stored in a double.
  • string: A string of characters.
  • path: A path to a local file.
  • color: A RGB color.
  • direction: A 3D vector representing a direction.

As well as a list for bool, int, double, ratio, string, noted as

  • vector<type>


The following formats are supported when parsing a bool, case insensitive:

  • true/false
  • yes/no
  • on/off
  • 1/0

When formatting a bool into a string, true/false is used.


Int parsing is supported using std::stoi and check that the whole string is parsed.

When formatting an int into a string, std::to_string is used.


Double parsing is supported using std::stod and check that the whole string is parsed.

When formatting a double into a string, std::ostringstream is used with removing the point and precision when the value is exactly an integer.


The following formats are supported when parsing a string into a ratio:

  • percent% where percent is a double
  • dividend:divisor where both are doubles
  • dividend/divisor where both are doubles
  • double

Percent, dividend, divisor are then parsed as double.

When formatting a ratio into a string, it is formatted as a double.


String are trimmed of leading and trailing space when parsed. String are formatted as is.


Path are formatted by creating a std::filesystem::path and then collapsed using f3d::utils::collapsePath.

Path are formatted using std::filesystem::path::string.


Vector tokens are separated by ,, tokens are then parsed using their respective types.

When formatting a vector into a string, individual token are formatted according to their type and separated using ,.


Color are parsed and formatted as a vector of double.


The following formats are supported when parsing a string into a direction:

  • [[+|-]X][[+|-]Y][[+|-]Z] (case insensitive), for example +X or X for 1,0,0, -y+z for 0,-1,1
  • vector of three doubles, for example 1,2,3.4

When formatting a direction into a string, it is formatted in the ±XYZ form if possible or as a vector of doubles otherwise.